Sunday 1 January 2017

Recipe of valrhona milk chocolate sphere with ice cream

Want to try something new with ice cream, try this recipe. For making Hazle nut ice cream, you will need sugar, three egg yolks, full fat milk, full fat cream and 45g hazelnut valrohna praline. For chocolate soil you will need 120 g of caster sugar, 120 g of ground almonds, 80 g of plain flour, 60 g of cocoa powder and 80 g of butter. For pliable chocolate you will start by soaking the gelatine in ice cold water. Boil all the ingredients and add soaked gelatine to it, now whisk it until it dissolves properly. Set this mixture in a flat tray and put it in the fridge, you will need it later.

First prepare the raspberry jelly, for this soak the gelatine in ice cold water. Now, bring the puree to boil and add the gelatine to it. Now, whisk the mixture until it is properly dissolved. Set the mixture on a flat tray, which measures 2 cm x 2 cm. Put it in the fridge and after a while take it out and cut it into cubes of 2 cm.

Now for Hazlenut ice cream, you need to whisk the egg yolk and sugar until they become pale and double in size. Now, boil the milk with the cream and add hazelnut praline to it. Now, pour this over the mixture of sugar and egg. Place this in a bowl and now freeze it. Now, you need to deep froze the ice cream. After this blend it.

For making chocolate soil you just need to mix all the ingredients together and spread it on a flat tray. Let it dehydrate for an hour. For the chocolate shell the chocolate should be at the temperature of 43 degrees and then you need to cool it down to 25 degrees and then heat it again at the temperature of 32 degrees.. Pour into the sphere moulds and your chocolate shells are ready.

So, do you also love cooking, especially the ice cream recipes?...Then you can go for training nearby you.

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